
Julie Luna Evie Fort  aaaa Atlantic

Hi, I’m Julie. I’m a mother to four little people, wife, wannabe Domestic Goddess, and Pinterest addict. Since this is supposed to be about me, I’ll try to tell you something that won’t totally bore you…

My favorite food is salad….is that boring? OK, I also like cashews. (see, I am multifaceted)

My favorite type of TV show is the Bachelor or Bachelorette depending on the season. That’s exciting TV for an old married couple:) My husband and I sit with a blanket and a glass of wine and laugh every time they kiss… which is more often than less.

My favorite color is yellow. It was red for my whole life until I had my first child. Then it changed totally…as did my life. Analyze that:)

I’m a science geek and love it. I was a science teacher for years as well as a Montessori teacher. I stay home with my little people now.

The thing I love to do best is to hang out in our studio (that’s what we call our yellow room with all our craft junk…I mean stuff in it) with my girls. My boys tend to come in to ask me for food then they leave. My husband joins us at times because I keep the computer in here.

We live in upstate New York where it gets very very cold in the winter. We tend not to leave the house for a few months at a time. Hence, that’s why we needed an entire room for our arts and crafts.

My Grandmother taught me how to sew when I was a kid. I have since forgotten everything and am relearning as I go.

I really really try to feed these people healthy food. They are all..yes ALL..so picky that I just want to cry and feed them all canned Beefaroni..oh, but can’t do that either since it’s not vegetarian.

We have four Mini Aussies and 2 cats…who though they came to us in very different ways years apart, look about identical.

I am what you call a “Jack of all trades, master of none”. I hate that it’s true. I try about anything, but wish I could do one thing really really really well…even if it was German Folk Dancing. (and I don’t mean that in a bad way…because I actually do love to think that I can do it…since I also learned to love German beer when I lived there.)

Well, I thought this would be hard. As you can see I could go on..and on…and on about myself. Can you tell I don’t have many fully grown people to talk to??

OK, that’s a start. I love comments (nice ones and I’ll ignore and delete anything mean) and would love to hear from you.



3 thoughts on “About

  1. I keep saying that I want to master one thing..anything. I had a chart once (that I’ve lost) that had 1,000 squares on it. If you spent 1,000 hours on something, you would become a master. Does watching TV count?

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